Olympiáda techniky 2017

Registration deadline for authors: 16.4.2017. (included) DEADLINE EXTENSION 30.4.2017

Conference starts 23. May 2017 at 8:00.

The Department of Mathematics, Physics and Technical education – section of Technical education at the Faculty of Education at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen – International scientific and technical conference associated with a show and competition of works by students of technical education:

Technologies Contest Pilsen 2017

This international contest is hold with support of University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Pilsen Municipality, Czech Didac company and Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic

Guarantees of the contest are:

  • rector of University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
    doc. Dr. RNDr. Miroslav Holeček,
  • dean of the Faculty of Education
    RNDr. Miroslav Randa, Ph.D.
  • Mayor of the City of Pilsen
    Martin Zrzavecký.

The contest will be carried with support of companies:
Pilsen Steel s.r.o., Škola Welding s.r.o, SDP KOVO s.r.o., Techmania Science Center o.p.s., Hobero s.r.o. a KV elektro.

The medial partner of the contest is

Český Rozhlas Plzeň.

The contest will be in Pilsen in 23th and 24th May 2017.



Paper Submission Deadline: 1.5.2017. (included)
Registration deadline for authors: 16.4.2017. (included) DEADLINE EXTENSION 30.4.2017

All participants (competitors) will be provided with free accommodation and refreshment.

Conference venue

The conference is held in the building of Hotel Courtyard Marriot

Sady 5. května 57, Plzeň

Ceremonial Opening of the Conference

Náměstí Republiky 1, Plzeň

Plzen Town Hall

23.5. 2017

8:00 – 9:00 Attendance of competitor in congress center
9:00 – 9:30 Meeting with foreign guest*
9:30 – 10:00 Opening ceremony*
10:00 – 12:00 Meeting in the conference sections
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 – 15:00 Meeting in the conference sections
15:30 Session of jury
17:30 Publication of the results and giving awards

*City Hall, Republic Square 1


9:00 Visit to the city Techmania Science Center or Pilsen Steel company.


The results of the competition

Sekce č. 1 (Section No. 1), Sekce odborných prací didaktických a multimediálních (Multimedia and didactic works) + podsekce

Generální tajemník / Secretary: Mgr. Lenka Benediktová

Členové / Members: Mgr. Miroslav Šebo, PhD., Mgr. Iva Vlková, Ph.D., PaedDr. Miroslava Gašparová, PhD., Mgr. Jan Král


Kasiolas, Vasileios (GR, ASPETE) The use of cloud computing technologies in teachers’ education and training (Využití technologií cloud computingu ve vzdělávání a školení učitelů)

Kačeriaková, Michaela; Krnáčová, Martina; Porada, Ľuboš (SR, UMB, UCM) Poznávanie stredovekých technických zručností v ranej edukácii. (Exploring technical skills in early education in the Middle ages)


Kaufnerová, Gabriela (ČR, ZČU) Projekt “děti pomáhají dětem” aneb rozvoj manuálních dovedností pomocí výukových projektů. („Children help children“ project: development of manual skills through educational projects)

Karpíšková, Pavla (ČR, ZČU) Hodnocení produktů praktických činností u dětí. (Product evaluation of practical activities for children)


Vaněk, Lukáš (SR, UKF) Aplikácia simulácií a vzdialených experimentov vo výučbe predmetu technika na ZŠ. (The aplication of simulations and RCE in the education of technology on secondary schools)

Kostolanský, Lukáš (SR, UKF) Multimediálna podpora vzdelávania (Education suported by the multimédia)


The President of the Technologies Contest Pilsen 2017 awarded special awards to the students:

Petrishcheva, Viktoriya (RU, VLSU) Mandala as a method of art-therapy, ensuring stabilization of emotional states of preschooled children

Barsukova, Olesya (RU, VLSU) Art-therapy as a method of correction of the emotional sphere of the personality of the people who have suffered acute violation of cerebral circulation

Other work:

Zeman, Jan (ČR, ZČU) Srovnání českých a německých učebnic matematiky pro gymnázia (Comparison of the Czech and German textbooks on mathematics for the secondary grammar schools)

Adamcová, Romana (ČR, ZČU) Tvořivost a dovednost žáků 1. stupně zš v 21. Století. (The creativity and skill of pupils in primary school in the 21st century)

Zhukova, Irina (RU, VLSU) Making «Me-books» with child with violation of intelligence

Bambasová, Kateřina (ČR, ZČU) Analýza multimediální učebnice s ohledem na její strukturu (Analysis of a multimedia education with regard to its structure)

Karagiannopoulou, Anastasia (GR, ASPETE) Video creation and social networking educational environment. A case study of pre-service teacher training in ASPETE Patras. (Vytváření videa a vzdělávací prostředí pro sociální sítě. Případová studie předškolního vzdělávání učitelů v ASPETE Patras)

Semenova, Alena (RU, VLSU) Art therapy for emotional sphere correction of cerebrovascular accident diseased. 

Vladař, Čeněk (ČR, ZČU) Nové náměty technické výchovy s ohledem na mezioborové vztahy. (New themes in craft with regard to cross-curricular topics)

Koglot, Lara (SLO, UK) Project work on the model PUD-BJ  »From idea to product – Pier in Portorož otherwise« (Od nápadu k výrobku – Molo v Portoroži jinak)

Lagaeva, Anastasiya (RU, VLSU) Creation of tactile cards at the manual skills lessons in a special school for the children with severe speech disorders

Lyakhova, Alisa (RU, VLSU) Defensive mechanisms

Tymakova, Natalya (RU, VLSU) Correctional and pedagogical methods of work with children with multiple heavy developmental disorders

Sekce č. 2 (Section No.2), Sekce technicky – odborných prací (Technical and expert works) + podsekce

Generální tajemník / Secretary: PhDr. Denis Mainz, Ph.D.

Členové / Members : doc. Ing. Jiří Hrbáček, Ph.D., Ing. Jindřich Korytář, PaedDr. Zlatica Huľová, PhD. Ing. Daniel Kučerka, PhD.


Řehořová, Jitka (ČR, MU)  Hlavy si lámem nejraději s hlavolamem. (We rack our brains with brain puzzle)

Průcha, Tomáš; Janů, Petr; Jirků, Lenka (ČR, ZČU) Vanessa – zavážecí loď pro moderního rybáře. (Vanessa – Remote control fishing boats for a modern fisherman)

Kůs, Tomáš; Kůs Martin (ČR, VSTECB) Realizace projektu bugy. (Realization of the buggy project)


Longauer, Peter (SR, UMB) Návrh a vyhotovenie názornej učebnej pomôcky model vyhne pre predmet Technika. (The draft and the creation of a demonstrative teaching aid for the subiect technology, theme: Model of a Forge)

Dušková, Miroslava (ČR, ZČU) Nástavec na francouzskou hůl. (Stabilizers of French Crutches)

Tuček, Daniel (SR, UKF) Praktické využitie embedded systémov. (Practical use of embedded systems)


Kozák Peter (ČR, ZČU) Chemické počitadlo. (Chemical abacus)

Sudek, Matěj (ČR, ZČU) 3D Projector – Hologram. (3D Projektor – Hologram)

Beneš, Martin (ČR, MU) Výuková opora pro základní školu automatické vedení vlaku. (Teaching support for elementary school – automatic train management)


The President of the Technologies Contest Pilsen 2017 awarded special awards to the students:

 Soldatov, Alexander (RU, VLSU) The use of 3D pen in the process of teaching technology students

Other work:

Knetlová, Anna (ČR, ZČU) Pantograf (Pantograph)

Bichurenko, Pavel (RU, VLSU) Formation of creative activity experience in the posession of career education students

Artelj, Luka (SLO, UK) Projectwork of model PUD-BJ »From idea to product – solar airplane dron« (Od nápadu k produktu, solární dron)

Kratochvíl, Jiří; Červený Martin (ČR, ZČU) Aerodynamický tunel. (Wind tunnel)

Zinyakov, Z.N. (RU, VLSU) Organization of project activities under primary professional education

Dzúrik, Tomáš (SR, UMB) Aplikácia učebnej pomôcky model slnečného kolektora na základných školách. (Application of the solar collector teaching aid model in elementary schools)

Dušková, Miroslava (ČR, ZČU) Lidové stavby. (Vernacular architecture)

Kloptsova, Olga (RU, VLSU) Situational analysis in vocational training

Romanov, A.V.  (RU, VLSU) Implementation of differentiated instruction in the training of  students

Filippova, Natalya (RU, VLSU) The influence of information culture on the process and the results of the professional training of high school students